Why Go Solar?
Tired of worrying about energy costs? Switch to solar - The only energy source that pays you back!

Residential Solar Panels in Perth


Getting solar panels installed on your home has never been easier. If you live in Perth and you’re thinking about making the switch to solar, Complete Solar Services has successfully helped countless Australian homeowners obtain free energy from the sun. All we need is your zip code and we can send you a free quote in minutes!

How Do Solar Panels Power Your Home?

Who would have known that we could harness the energy from the sun? It may seem confusing, but the way solar panels work is actually not too difficult to understand. In short, the panels absorb energy cast by the sun and convert it into electricity to power your appliances. Here’s how solar panels can create usable electricity from the sun:
  1. The solar panels absorb energy from the sun which creates direct current (DC) electricity.
  2. The DC current is passed through a solar inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity.
  3. Your home is powered by AC electricity.
  4. Any unused energy is sent back into the grid, allowing homeowners with solar panels to make money from their power source.
Many people believe that solar panels only work on sunny days. The truth is that solar panels can even work on both sunny and cloudy days. They don’t, however, generate any electricity at night since the sun is down. Therefore, you will have to get your energy from the National Electricity Market at night. Read more

As mentioned above, any energy you don’t use is sent back to the grid. Most companies allow you to use this unused electricity to reduce your energy bill. This is called a feed-in tariff, and the rates can vary depending on your state.

The great thing about solar is that it’s a low-maintenance, quiet energy source. You won’t need to worry about any shifting parts and frustrating repairs.

On top of that, the Australian government is rewarding homeowners who switch to solar by offering tax rebates. Complete Solar Services has industry connections to ensure you get the best deal on your residential solar panels. Call our friendly team today to learn how to get started.

How Residential Solar Systems Are Installed

You may have noticed large black solar panels on your neighbor’s roof. That’s because the majority of Australians install a roof-mounted solar system. Australia gets more sunlight than any other continent on the planet. To maximize your solar energy, we recommend you place your solar panels facing north or west.

Solar panels are mounted onto the roof of the residence and are often tilted. Most homeowners tilt their solar panels to make the most of the sun, even when it doesn’t rise high (like during winter). Depending on your home, roof-mounted solar systems are a great choice for your new renewable energy source.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost to Install?

Not all homes are created equal. To give you an accurate estimate, we’ll need to know more about your home and what kind of solar panels you wish to install. If you’re looking for more information, call our team today at (COMPANY PHONE NUMBER) to learn more about solar panel installation in Perth.

Why Switch to Solar?

The world has gotten itself into a pickle. We used the Earth’s resources such as coal and oil (also known as fossil fuels) to advance our society, but it’s not sustainable. For one, these resources are finite, so one day we will run out. Also, this type of energy creates pollution which is horrible for the environment.

That’s where renewable energy (also called clean energy) comes in. Renewable energy is created by the Earth and has no adverse effects. The sun beams down on us daily, regardless of whether or not we harness its power. Therefore, switching to solar seems like a no brainer.

However, there are a few disadvantages of solar energy that we still haven’t solved yet. For instance, you cannot store solar power (unless you have a solar battery). It can also be pricey to install and it’s not as efficient as fossil fuels.


That being said, it’s still a great alternative to fossil fuels. Even though you still need to connect to the main power grid at night, cutting back on fossil fuel usage can significantly help the environment. That’s why whenever a homeowner switches to solar, a little piece of the planet is repaired.


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